Mind-Body Medicine

Body | Mindfulness | Movement

If the mountain top is the ventral vagal system, regulating and getting to the top of the mountain starts with the basics, the mind, and the body.

Fuelling your mind and body sets you up for the best success. There are some key steps to fuelling the mind and body. The first step includes food and medicine. The second step is movement. Next is mindfulness. Using these tools daily can move you to the mountain top, the ventral vagal state where you are open flexible, and can connect with others.

Fuel the Body

  1. Eat a nutritious meal at the table 

  2. Take Your Prescription Medications

Need some food ideas?  Scroll the pictures to stimulate your creativity.



  1. Move for ten minutes.

​Not sure what to do?  Glance at the slides for ideas.  It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you are moving. Just ten minutes of exercise stimulates dopamine.

Move the Body


  1. Practice Mindfulness for five minutes

 The pictures here are for inspiration. To learn different ways to do mindfulness, go to our mindfulness page.

Mind Medicine

Prepare to connect

  1. Brush Teeth

  2. Shower

  3. Bonus: Self Massage

​Now that you have fueled the mind and body, let's be sure you are ready to connect with the outside world. If you haven't had a shower in the last 24 hours, take a shower. If you forgot to brush your teeth today, do that now. Now you are ready to meet the world, oh the possibilities!

Body Prep

Start Building Your Tribe

  1. Reach out socially

Now that you have completed these steps you are ready to reach out socially. This can be having a cup of coffee, going outside and talking to a neighbor, going to the store, and talking to the checkout clerk. You just need to engage with a human, in person. Need ideas of where to start? Check out our page on connection.
