
Our groups are based on neuroscience including topics such as healing trauma, developmental trauma, your somatic story, and clinician trauma trainings.

Your story and your family's story are important. It impacts how we respond to, and live life. Generational trauma and epigenetics impact our day-to-day relationships. If there is unresolved trauma or childhood adverse events, our body may get stuck in a protective role. Our workshops address current and past influences on our nervous system.


The body tells the story. . . your family’s story begins with your ancestors and is shaped by each of your life experiences.

Our groups are based on the work of Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, and Dr. Aline LaPierre.

Through somatic contemplation, experiential exercises, and group work you will unravel the story of yourself and your family. This is based on epigenetics and lived experiences.

You will also learn how implicit memory is impacting your relationships. We offer a course called YOUR STORY several times a year as well as an emotional regulation group.

We offer these at our office and can also bring these group workshops to your business or group.


Neurophysiological Training

The body tells the story. . . explore your narrative through the story of the body and mind.

Our trainings are based on work from Somatic Experiencing, The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Neuroaffective Touch, and BASE.

Workshops include areas such as polyvagal theory, developmental trauma, treatment planning for neurosequential deficits, and treating emotional neglect.

We have online courses in Dr. Dunkin’s proprietary research on developmental trauma. We also have trainings where we come to your practice and teach your clinicians this proprietary treatment.