Client Groups

An Eight Week Intensive

  • Offered at our practice in Willow Park, Texas 76087

    As well as ONLINE.

    We rotate between the two.


  • Who: Adults over the age of 18

    What: This is for any stage of your journey. Whether you have seen a therapist for years, or this is your first time learning about trauma.

    When: We offer this intensive several times throughout the year. This group is a great option if you are on the waitlist to get started with your therapist, and as an accelerator, in the roadmap to your treatment if you are already in therapy.

    Time: See upcoming events for the next start dates or click on register now to see the starting dates for the year.

  • Our intensive is a little different than traditional groups as we focus on the mind and body connection, which means making changes at the nervous system level. This means not only do you get skills for hard situations but changes to your nervous system help make your window of tolerance larger. If you don't know what the window of tolerance is, no worries! You will learn that at the intensive.

    The skills taught will be through the lens of Somatic Experiencing, BASE, Interpersonal Neurobiology, Polyvagal Theory and Neuroaffective Touch. Our approach will be on helping you begin to make changes at the autonomic nervous system level, therefore our primary approach will be on learning to track the body. Why? Because it makes changes that last forever!

  • $300 per month

    Payments are divided into monthly payments of $300 for two months. There is a total of eight 75-minute sessions for the in-person workshop.

  • Workshops must be canceled two weeks in advance to receive a full refund. Workshops canceled within 7 days or less, will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations less than 24 hours before the class beings will not be refunded. There are no refunds for missed classes, however if you do miss a class, you can make up that session with another group.


  • Do you startle when a book drops?

  • Is your body braced in areas on alert for something to happen?

  • Do certain smells make you feel nauseous?

  • Do loud voices make you want to fight or shut down?

Your body is the diary of your life and the generations before you.

This intensive based on the work of Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, and Dr. Aline LaPierre helps to answer the questions above.

The body tells the story. This eight week course will take you on the journey of your story. Neuroscience shows that making sense of our story is important to resolving trauma and making sense of our lives.

In this group you will make sense of your narrative, but you will also learn your somatic story.

While much healing takes place in the class, you will also walk away with a clear picture of what other steps you may need to fully reset your nervous system on safety. Many of these steps you will do at home, and some suggestions may include seeing a professional.

I hope you join us on this journey of. . . YOUR STORY.

An Eight Week Workshop

  • In person at our Willow Park, Texas 76087 office as well as online.


  • Who: Adults over the age of 18

    What: This is for any stage of your journey. Whether you have seen a therapist for years, or this is your first time learning about trauma.

    When: We offer this workshop several times throughout the year. This workshop is a great option if you are on the waitlist to get started with your therapist, and as an accelerator, in the roadmap to your treatment if you are already in therapy.

    Time: See upcoming events for the next start dates or click on register now to see the starting dates for the year.

  • This workshop focuses on how early life, is impacting life now. Each person can map their own developmental trauma or you may take the course to learn about your child.

    This is a great course to learn about how children in adoption may be effected, even if they come into the home at birth. Also many from middle-class homes, who had physical needs met, lack understanding of the impact of emotional neglect.

    Learn about the types of developmental trauma and treatment planning. Clinicians are welcome to take this course to learn how to help clients with developmental trauma.

    Parents can also take this course and do the evaluations on their children along with themself.

  • Payments are divided into monthly payments of $300 for two months for the in person training..

  • Workshops must be canceled two weeks in advance to receive a full refund. Workshops canceled within 7 days or less, will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations less than 24 hours before the class beings will not be refunded. There are no refunds for missed classes, however if you do miss a class, you can make up that session with another group.


Symptoms of Developmental Trauma May Include

  • Baseline anxiety or depression after trauma work

  • Unexplained somatic issues

  • Clumsy

  • Always on alert

  • Struggle with reading

  • ADHD

  • Primal reflexes did not integrate

  • Autoimmune Diseases

Your story began before birth. . .

The brain develops in-utero and is influenced heavily during development, especially the first 18 months.

This eight week course will take you on the journey of developmental trauma, explaining why trauma during development can create deficits in brain development.

In this group workshop you will learn how the brain develops., where the deficits may occur based on trauma, and what caused deficits in the brain.

Trauma may look different than imagined. Medical issues, emotional neglect, injuries, illness, stays in the NICU, asthma, as well as physical and sexual trauma encompass developmental trauma.

We will identify trauma and also give a comprehensive treatment plan for facilitating healing of the deficits. I hope you will join us on this journey of the brain path to development and how to facilitate healing.


First Responders, Active Military, & Veterans Support Group

  • 14 Peaks Neurophysiological Trauma Treatment

    395 Pitchfork Trail
    Willow Park, Texas 76087


  • Who: 18 years or older; individuals who are first responders, active military, or veteran status

    What: This is aimed at anyone serving as a first responder or currently in the military, or a veteran. Whether you've been in therapy for a while or are just discovering trauma's impact for the first time, this support group welcomes you.

    When: This support group will begin soon. Dates will be posted soon!

    Time: See upcoming events for the next start dates.

  • The 2024 support group will be offered at no charge. We are dedicated to assisting our first responder community in their healing and resiliency journey. Space is limited, so please sign up online to reserve your spot.

  • As the 2024 session is free of charge, kindly inform us if you have changed your plans and will not be attending. Given our limited capacity, we aim to offer spots to those on the waitlist if you are no longer able to participate. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Join our Military and First Responder Support Group, where resilience meets understanding. Through tailored psycho-education sessions, we delve into the intricacies of trauma and its effects, including secondary trauma. Together, we explore tools and resources designed to navigate and process the challenging experiences unique to military and first responder life. In this supportive environment, you'll find camaraderie, empathy, and the strength to face adversity head-on.

This support group is led by licensed professional counselors who specialize in PTSD, secondary-trauma, and trauma care.

Join us as we journey toward healing and empowerment.

You're not alone; we're in this together.