
Dunkins Neurophysiological Developmental Trauma Assessment


Developmental trauma especially, during the first 18 months of life, may cause gaps in brain development. This can stem from birth trauma, not crawling, non integrated primal reflexes, adverse events, medical trauma, in-utero trauma or relational trauma.

These gaps in brain development may occur due to adverse events in childhood, including medical procedures, illnesses, stays in the NICU, natural disasters, in-utero trauma, and emotional or physical neglect. The first three years of life, particularly the first 18 months, are times when the brain is most vulnerable.

Signs of Developmental Trauma

  • Did not crawl on belly as a baby

  • Cannot sit still in chair (slides down)

  • Reading or tracking issues

  • Unexplained somatic symptoms

  • Dysregulated easily

  • Emotions inappropriate for the event

  • Coordination issues

  • Unexplained medical conditions

  • Autoimmune Diseases

Our team is trained in assessing developmental trauma and offering a proprietary treatment.

This assessment maps deficits in possible brain development based on motor skills and unintegrated primal reflexes. A treatment plan is developed to stimulate the healing of the brain. Treatment primarily focuses on deficits at the brainstem which control autonomic function.

On the right is a screener assessment for Dunkin's Developmental Trauma Assessment. If you score 7 or more, developmental trauma may be present.