Dr. Kimberly Dunkin PsyD, LPC, SEP, BASE-P

Dr. Kimberly Dunkin PsyD, LPC, SEP, BASE-P

14 Peaks Executive Team

Modalities: Somatic Experiencing, The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Neuroaffective Touch, Body and Somatic Education (BASE)

Adults | Teens | Children

I am passionate about bringing together neuroscience research and applying it practically, helping clinicians access protocols for clients who suffer from PTSD, somatic issues, attachment issues, and particularly developmental trauma.

My husband of 31 years and I have one musically gifted college-aged son and enjoy being part of the adoption community. The first part of my life I spent as a teacher, soccer coach, and martial arts instructor.  I was blessed to have sports as a major part of my life, playing college soccer and then ending my competitive career as an extreme expedition adventure racer.   In my free time, I enjoy all things outdoors, including riding ATVs, paddle boarding, kayaking, and skiing.

I have a Doctorate in Psychology, a master's in Professional Counseling, and a master’s degree in Religious Education. I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), SE assistant, a Body and Somatic Education Practitioner (BASE-P) and a session provider for Beg. Level SE students. I am trained in EMDR, Interpersonal Neurobiology, The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Neuroaffective Touch, and DBT. I have a doctorate in Psychology. My dissertation is titled A Neurophysiological Treatment Plan for Neurosequential Deficits Due to Developmental Trauma. If you would like you may download a copy at our events page.

Currently, I wear a few hats. I am the owner and founder of 14 Peaks. I also enjoy teaching clinicians neurophysiological trauma therapy and running retreats and workshops. One of the activities I find most engaging is case consultations with my colleagues. I am privileged to work alongside a brilliant team whom I trust implicitly. I like to say I partnered well as our team is so talented, and I learn from my colleagues daily.