Distress Tolerance

Continue trying these skills until you find the skill that is right for you. What if you try a skill and it doesn't work? Do it again and again until it does.

Knowing your emotions should last about thirty minutes (unless you restart the emotion wave) can help you get through the crisis. If in thirty minutes you do not feel regulated, check to see if you are ruminating and restarting the emotion wave. Also, ask yourself if you have taken care of your body for the day. Do a mind-body check to see if you have set yourself up to succeed.

Feeling Overwhelmed?


Tip the Temperature: TIP DBT Skill

Narrated by Dr. Shireen Rizvi Illustrated by Jesse Finkelstein.

TIP Skills: Intensive Exercise

The second skill in TIP, intense exercise. Taught by Dr. Shireen Rizvi Illustrated by Jesse Finkelstein.

TIP Skills: Paced Breathing

The third TIP Skill, paced breathing. Taught by Dr. Shireen Rizvi Illustrated by Jesse Finkelstein.

TIP Skill: Paired Muscle Relaxation

The fourth TIP Skill, Paired Muscle Relaxation. Taught by Dr. Shireen Rizvi Illustrated by Jesse Finkelstein

DBT Distress Tolerance #3: Distracting Activities

Self Soothe

This video describes the DBT-Skill Self-Soothe using your 5 senses.

60 Second Skills: The S.T.O.P. skill

Sometimes we are so upset that we react impulsively instead of responding thoughtfully to a problem.

Distract with Accepts

This video describes the DBT Skill of Distract using ACCEPTS.


This video describes the DBT-Skill of IMPROVE.